School Buildings

For all enquiries relating to Church School buildings and the associated finance, please contact:
Schools Buildings Finance Officer
Dorothy Macleod
Dorothy is responsible for the finance of capital works in the Voluntary Aided schools in our diocese.
T: 07920 846675
Capital works on Voluntary Aided (VA) schools in our diocese are funded by the government through Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) for smaller projects, or School Condition Allocations (SCA) for larger capital works. VA schools pay 10% of all capital works funded through DFC or SCA.
DFC projects: Each school receives an annual DFC allocation, which in almost all cases for VA schools is paid direct to the diocese. Schools may use their DFC funding for capital works by applying to the Schools’ Buildings Finance Officer. Quotations must accompany all applications.
For capital works, please download the DFC - ASCF Direct Approval Form.
Click here for how to apply for DFC Projects.
SCA Funding is allocated by the ESFA to the diocese on annual basis: A letter requesting bids for SCA funding in the following financial year will be sent to schools in July each year. Bids are prioritised according to school condition and suitability. Prioritised bids are forwarded to the ESFA for approval to proceed to the tender process.
Only bids submitted through a consultant are considered.
DBE Services deliver an outstanding service to over 350 schools across the north of England with regards to servicing and maintaining school buildings. The company exists to serve, support and inspire schools.Built on Christian foundations they seek to act and operate in a way that lives out Christian principles of grace, hope, love and service.Any academy, church school or community school can sign-up for this service for a small management fee. DBE Services then agrees a bespoke service with each school to reflect their annual planned maintenance requirements (e.g. PAT test, legionella testing, boiler serving, fire and intruder alarm maintenance, maintenance of kitchen equipment etc).
For more information see: or email